Chess in School Logo

Your child can think faster and better!

Learn the skills that allow you to succeed in life. Early

Chess in School Programs

Chess in School
Discover & Improve

Chess In School has been conceived to make chess fun for children. This beginner program teaches children how the game is played and consistently pushes young minds to expand and rapidly identify opportunities to win.

Chess For School
Educational chess
Teachers Program

Masterclasses and workshops for school teachers.

This program was designed to help teachers to exceed their teaching skills and use Chess as Universal educational tool in regular school program. You will learn how to organize curriculum and improve your teaching methods in most effective way for all age groups independently from basic knowledge of students. Educational chess can be a curriculum subject or a transversal and interdisciplinary tool, with chess integrated in other subjects.

Chess Pro
Future Chess Star

Maybe your child is gifted for chess, even exceptionally gifted at playing chess. The Chess Pro program consist on 1:1 and small group mentoring with Vladimir Poley, game-winning chess champion. We allow promising talent to flourish.

Chess For Business
Strategic Thinker

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of chess for corporates. The discipline and rapid decision-making techniques that are inherent to chess simply allow business people and teams to think better and faster.

Parent talks about Chess coach IM&FT Vladimir Poley
Finansschack 2019 Besök i studion av Vladimir Poley som är schackträndare
Finansschack 2019 Besök i studion av Vladimir Poley som är schackträndare
International chess tournament for children and youth Rudaga- Kaissa 2019
International chess tournament for children and youth Rudaga- Kaissa 2019
Chess tournament Rudaga - Kaissa
Chess tournament Rudaga – Kaissa
Arkady Dvorkovich
“A lot of people who played chess in childhood go on to achieve great success in their professional life. This is no surprise to me, because this game is basically a training field for your decision-making skills.”

Arkady Dvorkovich

President of the International Chess
Federation Former Deputy Prime
Minister of Russia Chairman of the
Skolkovo Foundation Russia’s main hub for innovation

Develop key qualities to serve you for a lifetime

Learning how to play chess at a young age also has a social and personal impact that offer lifelong benefits for the game’s practitioners.

When a child learns how to play chess, it teaches him or her to play by the rules, to adhere to rules of fair play, to gracefully concede defeat and have the ability to congratulate the victory of another.

It helps them form close friendships, thus enhancing their ability to interact with others.

It has shown that it can strengthen relations within families Chess certainly encourages a strong spirit, which helps children develop qualities such as resilience.

Chess teaches young minds how not to be afraid of failure, especially driving them to overcome such moments and strive for better performance.

One of the most important aspects of chess is that children quickly realise that success is intimately linked to hard work.

Chess also is about the satisfaction of success and often inspires children to be more successful.

Why chess develops sharper decision-making skills

Chess requires strategic thinking and system vision, as well as experience in exploiting tactical patterns and opportunities.

You must know what to do when you are not sure what to do.

Chess teaches this and that is why the greatest strategy and knowledge game in human history is so relevant to the business issues of today.
Taking initiative, generating ideas, being highly creative, following the plan, following your opponent’s moves, don’t give away material advantages, leverage the small advantage… all these critical skills help drive high-performance people of all ages.

Visualizing the Future

Calculation in chess is central to winning games. He or she that has the better ability to count a few moves ahead wins.

Producing Quality work under Pressure

Learning from mistakes by analyzing played games to find out where your decision-making went wrong, was there a tactic that was overlooked in a specific position? Were time constraints impacted my game with bad moves?

Vladimir Poley
“My passion for chess has to lead me to win championships and driven me to achieve great results in my business ventures”

Vladimir Poley

IM & FT & IA Vladimir Poley

Poleychess & SS4 Springare, Trainer, Junior leader

Chess Teacher, Chess Trainer, Business Owner & Entrepreneur

Allswenska team captain, coach and leader 2014 -2021

Engelska Skolan Norr, Stockholm: Chess Teacher 2002-2013

Chess training and teaching children 0-9 grades

Team leading and coaching

Belarus Chess Federation, Minsk: President, elected for three terms 1996-2001

Organizer of the national and international chess tournaments for the organization of the European Women

Chess Championship in 2001

Awarded with the silver medal of the European Chess Union (ECU)

Chess Forum, Ltd., Minsk: Founder, Owner and Director 1993-1998

Running own company: production, sales, marketing, including international contracts with Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Latvia. The product was soft toys and puppets and also chess materials

Chess School and the State Palace of Chess, Minsk: Director 1994

Management of the key areas in the organization: registration, staff, budget, resources, strategy etc. and leadership

Children and Youth Sport School, Minsk: Chess Teacher, Chess Trainer 1988-1994

Chess in School with IM&FT Vladimir Poley

Learn the skills that allow you to succeed in life. Early